
Pilot's Union Suggests Changing 'Cockpit' to 'Flight Deck' for Inclusivity

The article discusses a suggestion from the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) to change the term "cockpit" to "flight deck" in order to promote inclusivity and avoid gendered language. The union argues that the term "cockpit" is outdated and can be seen as exclusionary, particularly for women and non-binary pilots. They suggest that using "flight deck" instead would be a more neutral and inclusive term. While the article acknowledges that the change is seemingly minor, it emphasizes the significance of using inclusive language in all aspects of society. The article also highlights the importance of creating an inclusive environment for all pilots, regardless of gender identity. It remains to be seen whether this suggestion will be adopted by airlines and the wider aviation industry.


"The article explores the suggestion to change the term "cockpit" to "flight deck" to promote inclusivity and avoid gendered language. While seemingly minor, the change emphasizes the importance of inclusive language and creating an inclusive environment for all pilots."

Updated at: 06.21.2024

flight deck


Pilot's Union Suggests Changing 'Cockpit' to 'Flight Deck' for Inclusivity

A union representing more than 70,000 commercial pilots has suggested changing words like "cockpit" to "flight deck" to be more inclusive.