
Joe Biden's Amnesty Opens More White-Collar Jobs to Migrants

The article discusses the potential impact of Joe Biden's immigration policies on the U.S. job market, particularly for white-collar positions. The author argues that the Biden administration's efforts to grant amnesty to undocumented immigrants will lead to increased competition for these jobs from migrants. The article highlights the growing number of H-1B visas being issued, which allows U.S. companies to hire foreign workers in specialized fields like technology and engineering. It also mentions the concerns raised by some that these policies could displace American workers and contribute to wage stagnation. The author further suggests that the Biden administration's approach to immigration may benefit certain industries while potentially harming others, particularly those reliant on low-skilled labor. The article concludes by noting the ongoing debate surrounding the economic and societal implications of Biden's immigration policies, particularly in relation to the job market.


"This article examines the potential consequences of Joe Biden's immigration policies, arguing that the administration's approach to amnesty and H-1B visas could lead to increased competition for white-collar jobs from migrants. The author raises concerns about potential displacement of American workers and wage stagnation, while acknowledging the potential benefits for certain industries. The article underscores the ongoing debate surrounding the economic and social impacts of Biden's immigration policies."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

Biden amnesty
migrant work permits


Joe Biden's Amnesty Opens More White-Collar Jobs to Migrants

Biden's parole amnesty for migrants includes a poison pill for U.S. graduates: More work permits for migrants who get U.S. college degrees.