
Jamaal Bowman Calls for Ceasefire at Rally

During a rally, Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) encouraged a crowd to show the government 'who the f**k we are' in order to achieve change. His statement came within the context of a call for a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, advocating for a negotiated peace. Bowman's speech focused on the need for a peaceful resolution, emphasizing that the only path forward lies in dialogue and understanding. He expressed frustration with the current state of affairs, particularly the lack of progress towards peace. Bowman's rallying cry was seen as a call to action, urging his supporters to engage in political activism and demand a more just and equitable world.


"Rep. Bowman's impassioned speech at the rally was a call for peace and a plea for change. He encouraged his supporters to actively engage in political discourse and demand a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict. His message, while forceful, ultimately centered on the need for dialogue and understanding as the only path to a more peaceful future."

Updated at: 06.24.2024

Jamaal Bowman


Jamaal Bowman During Rally: 'Show Them Who The F**k We Are'

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) ramped up a crowd at a rally on Saturday, calling for a ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas.