
Italian Paper Reports on Videos of Joe Biden’s Declining Health, ‘Rigid Movements’

An Italian newspaper, La Verità, has published an article examining videos of President Joe Biden, highlighting what they claim are signs of declining health. The article discusses footage of Biden's recent appearances, focusing on his gait and stiffness in his movements, suggesting these could be indicators of underlying health issues. The article also references a previous interview with a doctor, Dr. Joseph Mercola, who expressed concerns about Biden's health based on his observed physical behavior. The article emphasizes that these are observations based on publicly available videos, and not official medical diagnoses. It further mentions that some commentators have pointed out that Biden is 80 years old, and the observed movements could be natural signs of aging. The article's central claim is that the videos raise concerns about Biden's health, suggesting a possible decline in his physical capabilities. The article does not offer concrete evidence or expert opinions to confirm these concerns, instead relying on the observation of Biden's movements and the statements of Dr. Mercola. It concludes by stating that the article aims to provoke discussion about the potential implications of Biden's health for his ability to serve as President.


"The Italian newspaper La Verità has raised concerns about President Biden's health based on observations of his movements in public appearances, citing these as potential indicators of a decline. However, the article relies on subjective interpretations and doesn't offer concrete medical evidence or expert opinions to support its claims."

Updated at: 06.15.2024

Joe Biden


Italian Paper Reports on Videos of Joe Biden’s Declining Health, ‘Rigid Movements’

Italy's largest paper reported on a curious incident involving President Joe Biden during the G7 Summit with world leaders in Italy.