
Hunter Biden's Attorneys File Motion for 'New Trial,' Then Withdraw Request

Hunter Biden's attorneys filed a motion for a new trial on all counts against him, but then withdrew the request shortly after. This occurred after a Delaware judge ordered Biden to appear in court for a hearing regarding the plea deal, which had been previously agreed upon but was facing scrutiny over its terms. The judge expressed concern about the broad immunity offered to Biden in the deal, potentially shielding him from future prosecution related to tax offenses. While the reason for withdrawing the motion remains unclear, it appears to be a strategic move by Biden's legal team to navigate the complexities of the case and the judge's scrutiny. The judge also suggested that the plea agreement was 'not a done deal,' further indicating that the process is far from finalized and might involve significant revisions. The withdrawal of the new trial motion could be interpreted as a signal that Biden's team is willing to negotiate and compromise on the terms of the plea deal. Ultimately, the situation remains uncertain, and it is unclear what the outcome will be for Hunter Biden.


"Hunter Biden's legal team initially filed a motion for a new trial, but then withdrew it, indicating a shift in strategy as they navigate the judge's concerns about the plea deal's terms. The future of the case remains unclear, with the possibility of significant negotiations and revisions to the plea agreement."

Updated at: 06.19.2024

Hunter Biden
new trial


Hunter Biden's Attorneys File Motion for 'New Trial,' Then Withdraw Request

Attorneys for Hunter Biden reportedly filed a motion on Monday requesting a "new trial on all counts," then withdrew the motion.