
First Lady Jill Biden Argues Joe Is a 'Healthy, Wise 81-Year-Old'

First Lady Jill Biden defended her husband, President Joe Biden, during an interview with CBS News, saying that he is a "healthy, wise 81-year-old" who is fully capable of serving as president. She addressed concerns about his age and health, stating that he is "a very strong man" who is "fully in command of his faculties." Jill Biden also highlighted her husband's experience and wisdom, emphasizing that he is "the most qualified person to be president." The interview took place as President Biden faces questions about his age and health, particularly after a recent fall at a graduation ceremony. Some critics have expressed concerns about his ability to handle the demanding role of president, citing his age as a potential liability. However, the First Lady firmly refuted these concerns, asserting that her husband is in good health and possesses the mental acuity required to lead the nation. Jill Biden's comments serve as a defense of her husband's fitness for office, highlighting his experience, strength, and mental capacity. She emphasized that he is fully capable of leading the country, despite the age-related concerns raised by some critics.


"Jill Biden defended her husband, President Joe Biden, stating he is healthy, wise, and fully capable of serving as president. She addressed concerns about his age and health, highlighting his experience and mental capacity."

Updated at: 06.15.2024

Joe Biden


First Lady Jill Biden Argues Joe Is a 'Healthy, Wise 81-Year-Old'

First Lady Jill Biden is arguing in favor of President Joe Biden's old age, telling voters that he is a "healthy, wise 81-year-old."