
Farage Hails Victory Against the 'Dishonest' Pollsters

Nigel Farage, the former UKIP leader, has celebrated his victory against the pollsters who he claims were wrong about his party's performance in the recent European Parliament elections. Farage's Reform UK party won two seats, a result he said showed the 'dishonesty' of the polling industry. The pollsters had predicted that Reform UK would struggle to win any seats at all. Farage has criticized the polling industry for being biased towards the establishment parties and for failing to understand the views of ordinary people. He has also accused them of being part of a 'media cabal' that is trying to suppress the views of those who disagree with the mainstream narrative. Farage's comments have been met with a mixture of support and criticism. Some people have praised him for speaking out against what they see as a rigged system, while others have accused him of being a conspiracy theorist. The debate about the accuracy of polling is likely to continue, particularly in light of the recent elections in the UK and elsewhere.


"Nigel Farage's victory in the European Parliament elections has led him to criticize the polling industry for being inaccurate and biased. While some support his claims, others view them as conspiracy theories. The debate surrounding the accuracy of polling is likely to continue."

Updated at: 06.15.2024

Nigel Farage
Reform UK


Farage's Victory Against the 'Dishonest' Pollsters

Nigel Farage has claimed pollsters were suppressing support for Reform UK party, but they've now agreed to change their approach.