
ChatGPT Gets Even More Evil: OpenAI Appoints Former NSA Chief to Board of Directors

The article discusses the appointment of General Keith Alexander, the former head of the National Security Agency (NSA), to the board of directors of OpenAI, the company behind the popular chatbot ChatGPT. The article expresses concern over this appointment, claiming that it signals OpenAI's potential involvement in government surveillance and control. The article highlights Alexander's history as the architect of the NSA's controversial PRISM program, which involved collecting vast amounts of data on internet users. The author argues that Alexander's presence on OpenAI's board could lead to the integration of surveillance capabilities into ChatGPT, potentially compromising user privacy and freedom of expression. The article also draws parallels with other tech companies that have faced criticism for their collaboration with government agencies on data collection and surveillance. The article concludes by stating that the appointment raises serious concerns about the future of OpenAI and ChatGPT, and suggests that the company may be shifting its focus towards serving the interests of the government rather than its users.


"The article expresses concern over the appointment of General Keith Alexander, former NSA head, to the board of directors of OpenAI, fearing it might lead to government surveillance integration into ChatGPT, compromising user privacy and freedom of expression. The author suggests that OpenAI's focus may be shifting towards government interests instead of users."

Updated at: 06.15.2024

Paul Nakasone


ChatGPT Gets Even More Evil: OpenAI Appoints Former NSA Chief to Board of Directors

OpenAI, the troubled startup behind the popular AI chatbot ChatGPT, has announced the appointment of retired U.S. Army General and former NSA chief Paul Nakasone to its board of directors, claiming it will leverage his extensive experience in cybersecurity to…