
British Paper: Joe Biden 'Losing Focus' and 'Concentration' at G7 Summit

The article highlights concerns raised by the British newspaper, The Sun, regarding President Joe Biden's mental acuity during the recent G7 summit. The article cites an anonymous source who claims Biden was observed to be “dozing off” during certain parts of the summit, specifically mentioning a meeting regarding the war in Ukraine. It further quotes the source as stating that Biden's staff often had to “redirect” him during conversations, indicating potential difficulties with focus and concentration. This observation aligns with a broader discussion surrounding Biden's age and its potential impact on his cognitive abilities. The article cites concerns from within the Democratic Party itself, particularly those seeking the nomination for the 2024 presidential election, who fear that Biden's age and cognitive decline could undermine their chances of success. It's important to note that the article is based on a single anonymous source and does not provide any independent evidence to support the claims of Biden's “dozing off” or needing constant redirection. The article also does not explicitly state that Biden exhibited signs of cognitive decline, but rather focuses on the potential perception of such decline based on the anonymous source's observations. The article ultimately leaves the reader to interpret the information and form their own conclusions regarding Biden's cognitive abilities and performance at the G7 summit.


"The article reports on concerns raised by a British newspaper regarding President Biden's mental acuity during the G7 summit. However, it relies heavily on an anonymous source and lacks concrete evidence to support the claims. The article highlights a broader discussion about Biden's age and potential cognitive decline but ultimately leaves the interpretation of the information to the reader."

Updated at: 06.15.2024

Joe Biden
G7 Summit


British Paper: Joe Biden 'Losing Focus' and 'Concentration' at G7 Summit

President Joe Biden has been "losing focus" and "concentration" at the G7 Summit, and it is "embarrassing," British tabloid the Sun reported.