
Biden Allows 'Humanitarian' Migrants from Wealthy Nations and Vacation Hotspots

The Biden administration has authorized the entry of a new category of migrants into the United States: those from wealthy nations and popular vacation destinations, designated as 'humanitarian' cases. This policy change is raising concerns as it appears to prioritize migrants from affluent countries over those from regions facing dire humanitarian crises. The article highlights the disparity in treatment, with individuals from countries like Norway and Spain being granted entry, while those fleeing persecution in nations like Venezuela and Cuba remain largely excluded. It also raises questions about the criteria used to define 'humanitarian' cases and the potential for abuse of the system. The article suggests that this policy may be more about appeasing wealthy nations and ensuring their citizens' easy access to the US than genuinely addressing humanitarian concerns.


"The article critiques the Biden administration's new policy, questioning its true humanitarian intent and highlighting the potential for favoritism towards migrants from privileged nations. It also raises concerns about the lack of clarity and transparency in the policy's implementation, leaving room for potential abuse and prioritizing wealth over genuine need."

Updated at: 06.22.2024

wealthy nations


Biden Okays 'Humanitarian' Migrants from Wealthy Nations, Vacation Hotspots

Joe Biden has been quietly allowing hundreds of thousands of “parole” migrants to fly directly to the U.S. from safe and prosperous nations.