
Bankruptcy Court Trustee Seeks to Liquidate and Wind Down Alex Jones' Infowars

A bankruptcy court trustee has filed a motion to liquidate and wind down Infowars, the far-right media outlet owned by Alex Jones. The trustee, David R. Knight, argues that Infowars is insolvent and that its assets should be sold to satisfy its creditors. Jones has been ordered to pay millions of dollars in damages to the families of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims after he spread conspiracy theories claiming the shooting was a hoax. Knight's motion states that Infowars's liabilities exceed its assets, and that the company's operations are unsustainable. The motion also alleges that Jones has been deliberately hiding assets and misusing company funds. Knight is seeking to appoint a liquidating trustee to oversee the sale of Infowars's assets, which include its website, trademarks, and equipment. The motion has not yet been ruled on by the court. Jones has previously filed for bankruptcy for Infowars, claiming that he was being targeted by political opponents. However, the trustee argues that Jones is using bankruptcy to evade his financial obligations. This situation has attracted significant attention, with some viewing it as a victory for the Sandy Hook families and a consequence of Jones's harmful actions. Others, however, are concerned about the implications for free speech and the potential for the bankruptcy process to be misused as a tool for political retaliation.


"The bankruptcy court trustee's motion to liquidate and wind down Infowars could mark a significant turning point in the ongoing legal battles surrounding Alex Jones and his media empire. If the court approves the motion, it would effectively end Infowars's operations and force Jones to sell its assets to pay off its creditors. The outcome of this case will have implications for both the future of Infowars and the broader fight against misinformation and harmful online content."

Updated at: 06.26.2024

Alex Jones
Lawsuit Judgments


Bankruptcy Court Trustee Files Motion to Liquidate, 'Wind-Down' Alex Jones' Infowars

A bankruptcy court trustee filed a motion to liquidate and "wind-down" Alex Jones' Infowars to pay off over $1 million in lawsuit judgments.