
AWR Hawkins at YAF Conference: 'A Well-Regulated Militia' Is Foundational to 'Shall Not Be Infringed'

At the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) conference, AWR Hawkins, an author and journalist, argued that the Second Amendment's guarantee of the right to bear arms is rooted in the concept of a 'well-regulated militia.' He emphasized that the amendment was not intended to be a stand-alone right, but rather a necessary component for a functioning democracy. Hawkins highlighted the importance of a well-armed citizenry for ensuring freedom and protecting against tyranny. He presented examples of historical instances where armed citizens played a crucial role in defending liberty, such as the American Revolution and the early days of the American Republic. Hawkins also addressed the ongoing debate surrounding gun control, arguing that restrictions on gun ownership undermine the Second Amendment's core purpose. He asserted that the right to bear arms is essential for self-defense, personal security, and the preservation of a free society. His presentation underscored the importance of individual responsibility in upholding the Second Amendment and its historical context.


"Hawkins' speech at the YAF conference highlighted the importance of the Second Amendment's connection to the concept of a well-regulated militia, emphasizing its role in safeguarding individual liberty and ensuring a functioning democracy. He argued against gun control measures, suggesting that they violate the spirit of the Second Amendment and undermine the right of individuals to defend themselves and protect their freedom."

Updated at: 06.26.2024

AWR Hawkins
Second Amendment
Well-Regulated Militia
Shall Not Be Infringed


AWR Hawkins at YAF Conference: 'A Well-Regulated Militia' Is Foundational to 'Shall Not Be Infringed'

Breitbart Second Amendment columnist AWR Hawkins delivered a speech Saturday to attendees at a Young America's Foundation's conference.