
AP Fact-Checks Video of Barack Obama Walking Joe Biden off Stage, Citing One Anonymous Source

The Associated Press (AP) fact-checked a video showing former President Barack Obama apparently walking President Joe Biden off stage at a campaign event in Maryland. The video sparked online speculation about the reason for Obama's actions, with some suggesting Biden was having a health issue or that Obama was trying to intervene. The AP, citing one anonymous source, claimed that the video was misleading and that Obama was simply trying to keep the event moving along. They reported that the video was edited to create the impression that Obama was walking Biden off stage when in reality, both men were simply moving toward the back of the stage, with Obama walking a bit faster. The AP's fact-check relied solely on the anonymous source and did not offer any other evidence or context to support their claim. The video in question, however, does not appear to be edited, and the source of the speculation about Biden's health remains unconfirmed. The article, therefore, does not provide a definitive explanation for Obama's actions and relies on a single anonymous source to dismiss the speculation surrounding the video.


"The AP fact-check relies on one anonymous source to dispute the speculation surrounding a video of Barack Obama seemingly walking Joe Biden off stage at a campaign event. The fact-check does not provide any further evidence or context to support their claim, and the source of the speculation remains unconfirmed. Therefore, the article does not provide a conclusive explanation for Obama's actions."

Updated at: 06.20.2024



AP Fact-ChecksĀ Video of Barack Obama Walking Joe Biden off Stage, Citing One Anonymous Source

The Associated Press (AP) on Monday fact-checked a video of Barack Obama walking Joe Biden off stage by citing one anonymous source.