
Young Men Trapped Between War and Conscription in Myanmar's Rakhine

In Myanmar's Rakhine State, young men face a dire situation caught between ongoing armed conflict and the threat of forced conscription by the military junta. The conflict, which erupted in 2017, has created a climate of fear and uncertainty, forcing many young men to flee their homes and seek refuge in neighboring countries. The junta's military has been accused of widespread human rights abuses, including extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests, and forced labor. The ongoing conflict has also led to a humanitarian crisis, with thousands of people displaced and in need of assistance. The situation in Rakhine is particularly dire, as the region has been under military control since 2017. The military junta has intensified its crackdown on dissent in the region, leading to an increase in human rights violations. Many young men are now being forcibly conscripted into the military, often against their will. The junta has also been accused of using forced labor to build military infrastructure, further adding to the plight of young men in Rakhine. The situation is further complicated by the fact that many young men are reluctant to join the military due to the atrocities committed by the junta. The lack of alternative livelihood options and fear of persecution make conscription a difficult choice for many. The UN and other international organizations have condemned the junta's human rights abuses and called for an end to the violence. However, the junta has shown no signs of backing down, and the situation in Rakhine remains precarious.


"The article highlights the dire situation faced by young men in Myanmar's Rakhine State, trapped between the ongoing armed conflict and forced conscription by the military junta. The conflict and human rights abuses by the military have created a climate of fear and uncertainty, forcing many young men to flee their homes or face the difficult choice of joining the military. The situation in Rakhine remains precarious, with no immediate end to the violence or the junta's crackdown on dissent. The international community is calling for an end to the conflict and for the protection of human rights in Myanmar, but the junta's actions suggest that a peaceful resolution remains elusive."

Updated at: 06.22.2024



Young men trapped between war and conscription in Myanmar’s Rakhine

Rohingya and ethnic Rakhine see dreams of education and work disappear as conflict escalates in long-troubled state.