
Putin-Kim Deal Highlights Challenges to World Order

The recent agreement between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, involving the exchange of arms and potential labor collaboration, has raised concerns about the growing influence of authoritarian regimes and the weakening of international rules and norms. This deal, seen as a strategic alliance, signals a shift in the global power dynamic, with Russia and North Korea seemingly challenging the existing world order. The article highlights the potential for increased instability and conflict, as these two countries, both subject to international sanctions and facing criticism for their human rights records, collaborate to undermine international norms and gain leverage on the global stage. The agreement could contribute to the proliferation of weapons, potentially posing a security threat to neighboring countries and beyond. Furthermore, the partnership between Russia and North Korea reflects a growing trend of authoritarian states seeking to challenge the established international order. This collaboration underscores the need for a renewed focus on upholding international law and strengthening multilateral institutions to address the rising challenges posed by these regimes.


"The Putin-Kim agreement represents a significant development, signaling a shift towards a more fractured and unpredictable global landscape. It highlights the growing challenges posed by authoritarian regimes and the need for a robust international response to address the erosion of global order and the potential for conflict."

Updated at: 06.27.2024

North Korea
mutual defense pact
world order


‘Axis of impunity’: Putin-Kim deal underlines new challenges to world order

Two leaders signed mutual defence pact during Putin’s high-profile visit to North Korea, his first in 24 years.