
Working in ‘hellfire’: Gig workers bear the brunt of India’s heatwave

India is experiencing its hottest March-May period on record, and the effects are being felt most acutely by gig workers. These individuals, often working in informal sectors like construction, delivery, and street food vending, are exposed to the extreme heat without adequate protection or respite. While the Indian government is working to provide relief measures, including heatwave warnings and public cooling centers, the measures are inadequate for the millions of workers who lack access to these services. The article highlights the plight of these workers, emphasizing the grueling working conditions they endure under relentless heat. The heatwave has caused a rise in heatstroke cases, with many workers unable to afford medical treatment. The article also touches upon the issue of income loss, as many workers are forced to take time off due to the unbearable heat. The lack of formal employment contracts and safety nets further exacerbates their vulnerability, leaving them with little recourse in the face of these challenges. The article concludes with a call to action, urging the government and employers to prioritize the well-being of these vulnerable workers and implement more effective measures to protect them from the extreme heat.


"The article emphasizes the dire situation of gig workers in India during the ongoing heatwave, highlighting their lack of protection, access to relief measures, and financial security. The article calls for increased action from the government and employers to prioritize the well-being of these vulnerable workers."

Updated at: 06.16.2024

gig workers

Working in ‘hellfire’: Gig workers bear the brunt of India’s heatwave

Delivery workers face physical and mental hardships while enduring India’s scorching summer.