
Wolves Attack Woman Jogging in French Safari Zoo

A woman was attacked by wolves while jogging in the grounds of a French safari zoo. The incident occurred at the Pairi Daiza zoo in Brugelette, Belgium, on Saturday, June 22, 2024. The woman was seriously injured and required hospitalization. Local authorities are investigating the incident. The zoo has stated that the woman was jogging in an area of the park that was not intended for visitors and was outside of the designated pathways. The zoo emphasizes the importance of respecting safety instructions and regulations within the park. The woman's injuries were described as serious but not life-threatening. The incident has raised questions about the safety measures in place at the zoo, particularly regarding the separation between visitors and animals. The zoo has stated that it takes the safety of its visitors very seriously and is reviewing the incident to determine if any changes to its safety protocols are necessary.


"A woman was seriously injured after being attacked by wolves while jogging in an unauthorized area of a French safari zoo. The incident is under investigation, and the zoo is reviewing its safety protocols."

Updated at: 06.25.2024

wolf attack
safari zoo
French zoo
woman attacked


Wolves attack woman who went jogging in French safari zoo

A woman staying at a French safari zoo was attacked by several wolves on Sunday after she entered the reserved part of the zoo which is “usually only accessible by car,” the zoo’s CEO Christelle Bercheny told journalists.