
MMA Fighter and Relatives of Official Attack Dagestan Village

Russian authorities have alleged that an MMA fighter, Gadzhi Omargadzhiyev, and several relatives of a regional official were involved in an attack on a village in Dagestan. The attack occurred on June 22, 2024, and resulted in the death of four people, including a police officer. According to Russian authorities, the alleged attackers were motivated by a personal dispute related to land ownership. The attack involved the burning of several homes, and authorities have launched a criminal investigation into the incident. Omargadzhiyev was known for his participation in mixed martial arts competitions. The attack is just the latest in a string of violent incidents in Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim region in the North Caucasus, known for its history of instability. While the specifics of the land dispute are not publicly known, the incident highlights the ongoing challenges of land ownership and conflict resolution in the region.


"The attack on the Dagestan village, allegedly perpetrated by MMA fighter Gadzhi Omargadzhiyev and relatives of a regional official, is a stark reminder of the ongoing violence and instability in the region. The incident raises questions about the underlying causes of conflict and the effectiveness of efforts to address land ownership disputes."

Updated at: 06.26.2024

mixed martial arts


Mixed martial arts fighter, relatives of regional official among Dagestan attackers, Russian authorities say

A mixed martial arts fighter and relatives of a regional official were among the gunmen who carried out attacks on places of worship in Russia’s Dagestan on Sunday, according to local authorities.