
Win+C, Windows' Most Cursed Keyboard Shortcut, is Getting Retired Again

Windows users have long been frustrated with the Win+C keyboard shortcut, which often opens the Cortana voice assistant instead of the desired Charms Bar. This issue has been a source of annoyance for years, leading Microsoft to repeatedly try to retire the shortcut. Now, in the upcoming Windows 11 update, Microsoft is once again attempting to permanently retire Win+C, giving users the ability to use it for other purposes. The article highlights the history of this problematic shortcut, dating back to Windows 8, and details Microsoft's efforts to address user complaints and simplify the user experience. The article also mentions that the Win+C shortcut has been a particular source of frustration for users who prefer to use keyboard shortcuts for quick access to system features, as it often leads to unintended consequences. Microsoft's decision to finally retire the Win+C shortcut is a welcome change for many Windows users who have been frustrated by its behavior for years.


"Windows 11 users will soon be able to finally bid farewell to the Win+C shortcut, a problematic feature that has caused much frustration over the years. Microsoft's decision to retire the shortcut signals a commitment to simplifying the user experience and addressing long-standing user concerns."

Updated at: 06.23.2024

Windows keyboard shortcut
Windows features


Win+C, Windows’ most cursed keyboard shortcut, is getting retired again

Win+C has been assigned to some of Windows' least successful features.