
Young Family Moves to Tiny Maine Island on a Whim

A young family, Megan, Michael, and their baby daughter, Amelia, decided to move to the tiny island of Isle au Haut in Maine, a decision sparked by a spontaneous trip. Megan, a writer, and Michael, a former firefighter, were looking for a change of pace from their hectic lives in Massachusetts. They had been searching for a remote, off-grid home and stumbled upon Isle au Haut while exploring the coast of Maine. They were immediately captivated by the island's natural beauty, quiet charm, and tight-knit community. Despite being completely unprepared for a major life change, they decided to take a leap of faith and purchased a historic home on the island, sight unseen. The family moved to Isle au Haut with limited resources and faced challenges adjusting to island life, including lack of running water, unreliable internet access, and the need to learn new skills like fishing and farming. However, they embraced their new lifestyle and found joy in the simplicity and tranquility of their island home. The article highlights their journey of adapting to island life, their close bond with the local community, and their commitment to living a sustainable and fulfilling life on Isle au Haut.


"The article portrays a young family's adventurous decision to move to a tiny Maine island, highlighting their challenges and rewards of embracing a simpler, more fulfilling life. While the move was initially impulsive, they have found contentment and a strong sense of community on Isle au Haut."

Updated at: 06.23.2024

Isle au Haut
tiny island
young family


Why a young family decided to move to a tiny Maine island on a whim

Isle au Haut, Maine, has a population of about 50 people. Its only businesses are a gift shop and a general store.