
Former Hillary Clinton Adviser on Debate Preparation

The article discusses the intense preparation required for high-stakes debates, drawing upon the experience of former Hillary Clinton adviser Philippe Reines. Reines describes the process as a meticulous one, involving extensive research, crafting of arguments, and practice sessions. He highlights the importance of anticipating opponent's arguments and developing strong rebuttals. The article further emphasizes the role of strong communication skills and the ability to adapt to unexpected situations. It underscores the importance of staying composed and focused under pressure, emphasizing that debates are not only about policy but also about projecting an image of competence and leadership.


"This article provides insights into the behind-the-scenes preparation for high-stakes debates, highlighting the extensive effort and expertise required to excel in such settings. The article stresses the importance of thorough research, strategic planning, and effective communication, all of which contribute to a successful debate performance."

Updated at: 06.27.2024

Hillary Clinton
debate preparation
2024 presidential debate


Former Hillary Clinton adviser on what it takes to get ready for a debate

President Biden and former President Donald Trump are preparing to face off in the first 2024 presidential debate on Thursday. Philippe Reines, former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton, joins CBS News to discuss what it takes to get a candidate ready.