
White House Denies Withholding Weapons from Israel

The White House expressed confusion and denied claims made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the U.S. is withholding weapons from Israel. This statement came after Netanyahu made the allegation during a press conference with his defense minister. The White House, however, maintains that they have not been contacted by the Israeli government regarding any such issues and insists that the U.S. remains committed to Israel's security. They also clarified that they have not been contacted by the Israeli government regarding any specific requests for arms deliveries. While Netanyahu's claims regarding arms deliveries haven't been elaborated upon, his government has recently faced internal criticism over its handling of security threats and the recent conflict in Gaza. This situation highlights the sensitive relationship between Israel and the United States, particularly when it comes to military aid and support.


"The White House denies allegations by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that the U.S. is withholding weapons from Israel, while maintaining its commitment to Israel's security. This situation underscores the complex relationship between the two countries regarding military aid and support."

Updated at: 06.22.2024

White House
Biden administration


White House perplexed by Netanyahu claims that U.S. is withholding weapons

The Biden administration paused a delivery of 2,000-pound bombs, but says weapons continue to flow to Israel.