
Easter Island's Collapse: New Research Undermines Ecocide Theory

A new study challenges the long-held belief that Easter Island's civilization collapsed due to deforestation and environmental degradation, known as the “ecocide” theory. The research, published in the journal *Nature Sustainability*, provides evidence that the islanders' environment remained relatively stable despite their population growth. The study analyzed soil samples and tree rings, revealing that while some deforestation occurred, it was not extensive enough to cause a widespread ecological collapse. Instead, the researchers suggest that the island's population decline was likely caused by a combination of factors, including climate change, disease, and internal conflicts. The findings are supported by previous studies that have questioned the ecocide theory, highlighting the complexity of Easter Island's history and the need for nuanced perspectives. While the new research doesn't entirely dismiss the impact of human activity on the island's environment, it emphasizes the importance of considering multiple factors when explaining the island's decline.


"The new study sheds light on the complex factors that led to the decline of Easter Island's civilization. While human impact on the environment played a role, the research suggests that it was not the sole driver of the island's collapse. The findings challenge the long-standing “ecocide” theory and emphasize the need for a more comprehensive understanding of the island's history."

Updated at: 06.23.2024

Easter Island
population size
satellite imagery
AI analysis

We now have even more evidence against the “ecocide” theory of Easter Island

AI analysis of satellite imagery data is a new method for estimating population size.