
Voyager 1 Sends Science Data Again After NASA Fix

NASA has successfully restored communication with the Voyager 1 spacecraft, which has been exploring interstellar space for over 45 years. The spacecraft, currently more than 15 billion miles from Earth, had been sending back garbled data since late May. This was due to a fault in the spacecraft's onboard computer, which controls the science data sent back to Earth. NASA engineers discovered the issue stemmed from a faulty command that was accidentally sent to the spacecraft. This command caused Voyager 1's science data to be transmitted using a corrupted “telemetry” system. After diagnosing the problem, engineers sent a new command to Voyager 1, which successfully restored the spacecraft's science data transmission. The Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft were launched in 1977 and have been sending back valuable data about the outer solar system and beyond. They are currently the most distant human-made objects from Earth. The recovery of communication with Voyager 1 is a significant achievement for NASA. It allows scientists to continue collecting data about the interstellar medium, a region of space between stars. This data is crucial for understanding the nature of our galaxy and the universe as a whole.


"The restoration of communication with Voyager 1 is a testament to NASA's ingenuity and dedication. The spacecraft continues to provide valuable data about our galaxy, despite being billions of miles away from Earth. This successful recovery allows scientists to continue studying the interstellar medium and further our understanding of the universe."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

Voyager 1
interstellar space

Voyager 1 sends back science data from more than 15 billion miles away after NASA fix

A creative fix by NASA engineers has restored a steady stream of valuable science data from Voyager 1 as it studies interstellar space billions of miles from Earth.