
US sanctions Israeli group for attacking Gaza aid convoys

The United States has imposed sanctions on an Israeli group accused of attacking aid convoys headed to Gaza. The US Treasury Department announced sanctions on the group, known as "the Commando", claiming it was responsible for attacks on humanitarian convoys, including ones organized by the United Nations. The sanctions target individuals associated with "the Commando" and freeze any assets they may have under US jurisdiction. The US Treasury Department statement condemns "the Commando"'s actions as "violent attacks on humanitarian aid and civilians in Gaza." This action comes amidst ongoing tensions between Israel and the Palestinian territories. "The Commando" is alleged to have carried out attacks on aid convoys in the past, including one in 2023 that resulted in injuries. The US has previously condemned "the Commando" for its activities. The sanctions are aimed at deterring future attacks and holding the group accountable for its actions. The US government has been a vocal supporter of humanitarian aid efforts in Gaza and continues to call for an end to violence in the region.


"The United States has sanctioned an Israeli group accused of attacking aid convoys to Gaza. This move, which targets individuals associated with the group and freezes their US assets, reflects the US condemnation of violence against humanitarian aid and civilians in Gaza. It aims to deter future attacks and hold the group accountable for its past actions."

Updated at: 06.16.2024

US sanctions
Israeli group
Gaza aid convoys


US sanctions Israeli group for attacking Gaza aid convoys

Biden administration says the Israeli government has a ‘responsibility’ to protect humanitarian trucks heading to Gaza.