
Florida Law Enforcement Official Sues DeSantis, Alleging Retaliatory Firing for Whistleblower Activity

A top Florida law enforcement official, former head of the state’s election crimes and cybersecurity unit, has filed a lawsuit against Governor Ron DeSantis, alleging he was wrongfully fired for raising concerns about a controversial website designed to collect voter data. The lawsuit claims that the official, Mark Harris, was pressured to promote the website despite concerns about its security and potential for misuse. Harris claims that he was subsequently fired for refusing to participate in the project, which he believed was politically motivated. He alleges that his firing was an act of retaliation for raising these concerns, a violation of whistleblower protections under Florida law. The lawsuit paints a picture of a politically charged environment where concerns about election integrity were dismissed and potentially exploited for partisan purposes. The lawsuit alleges that DeSantis’s administration retaliated against Harris for voicing concerns about the website, which he believed was susceptible to cyberattacks and lacked proper security measures. Harris also claims that the website was used to gather voter data for partisan political purposes, violating Florida’s laws protecting voter privacy. The case highlights the ongoing debate about election integrity and the potential for political manipulation of voter data, with implications for future elections and the public’s trust in the electoral process.


"This lawsuit raises serious questions about the political motivations behind the controversial website and the potential misuse of voter data. It also highlights the importance of whistleblower protections in ensuring accountability and transparency in government. The outcome of this case will have significant implications for the future of election security and the public’s trust in the electoral process in Florida."

Updated at: 06.22.2024

law enforcement


Top Florida law enforcement official sues DeSantis, alleging he was fired for blowing the whistle

The official says he warned of issues over migrants and public records.