
Detroit Bans Gas Stations from Locking Customers Inside

Detroit is enacting a new law prohibiting gas stations from locking customers inside, a measure inspired by a fatal shooting that occurred last year. The ordinance, passed by the City Council, specifically bans the practice of locking customers inside after 10 pm. This decision was prompted by the tragic death of 20-year-old Antonio Smith, who was fatally shot in October 2022 while waiting for his ride inside a gas station. The shooting sparked community outrage and calls for increased safety measures, leading to the new legislation. The ordinance also requires gas stations to provide adequate lighting and install security cameras, aiming to deter crime and enhance customer safety. While the new law does not mandate the presence of security personnel, it encourages gas stations to consider employing them, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a secure environment.


"The new law in Detroit aims to enhance safety at gas stations, directly addressing the concerns raised after the fatal shooting last year. It aims to deter crime and create a more secure environment for customers by prohibiting the locking of patrons inside and emphasizing the importance of adequate lighting, security cameras, and potential security personnel."

Updated at: 06.27.2024

gas stations
locking customers
fatal shooting


Detroit is banning gas stations from locking customers inside, a year after a fatal shooting

The city of Detroit is taking steps to ban gas stations from locking people inside the store