
This man says his father was born into slavery. Hear his story | CNN

Cornelius Bell, a 79-year-old man from Mississippi, shares his personal story about his father, who was born into slavery in 1895. Bell recounts that his father experienced the brutal reality of Jim Crow and the lasting impact of slavery on their family. He speaks about the hardships his father faced, including being denied basic rights and facing discrimination. Bell emphasizes that his father's generation endured unimaginable suffering, and their resilience and strength are a testament to the human spirit. He speaks about the legacy of slavery and its continued impact on African Americans today, highlighting the importance of understanding and acknowledging this history. Bell's story is a powerful reminder of the enduring impact of slavery and the importance of recognizing the resilience and strength of those who lived through it.


"Cornelius Bell's story highlights the importance of remembering and understanding the legacy of slavery in America. He emphasizes the resilience of his father's generation and the importance of acknowledging the ongoing impact of slavery on African Americans today."

Updated at: 06.16.2024

13th Amendment


This man says his father was born into slavery. Hear his story | CNN

CNN’s Omar Jimenez joins 83-year-old Wilbur B. Bell as he tries to find information about his father, Cornelius Bell, who was born mere months before the 13th Amendment was ratified, officially abolishing slavery in the United States.