
The Uplift: Cow hugs

The Uplift segment showcases a heartwarming story of a woman named Lisa, who has a unique and special connection with her cows. Lisa, an owner of a small dairy farm in Vermont, demonstrates a deep bond with her animals, particularly evident in the way she interacts with them. The video highlights the affectionate nature of Lisa's cows, who often initiate gentle nuzzles and cuddles with her. Lisa explains that her cows are more than just livestock; they are companions who bring her joy and comfort. The segment emphasizes the importance of human-animal interaction and the positive impact it can have on both parties. Viewers are invited to share their own stories of special connections with animals, highlighting the diverse ways in which animals enrich our lives.


"The Uplift segment emphasizes the unique and heartwarming bond between humans and animals, showcasing the positive impact of compassion and connection in our lives."

Updated at: 06.17.2024

animal rescue
human connection


The Uplift: Cow hugs

Travel to the Gentle Barn, where animals go to recover from trauma – then they help humans do the same. Visit a grocery store in New Orleans, where a simple conversation between strangers led to a life-changing connection. Plus, more heartwarming stories.