
Survivors of Deadly New Hampshire Motorcycle Crash Seek to Keep Trucker Off the Road

Survivors of a 2019 motorcycle crash in New Hampshire that killed seven people are urging a judge to keep the truck driver responsible for the accident off the road. The crash occurred when the truck driver, Volodymyr Zhukovskyy, crossed the center line, causing a head-on collision with a group of motorcyclists. Zhukovskyy was found guilty of negligent homicide and other charges in 2022. Now, survivors of the crash are pleading with the judge to issue a lifetime driving ban for Zhukovskyy, arguing that he should not be allowed to operate a motor vehicle again. They cite his history of drug use and reckless driving behavior as reasons for their concern. They also mention that Zhukovskyy had a commercial driver's license despite his history of driving violations and drug use. In the aftermath of the accident, the crash victims' families have filed numerous lawsuits against the trucking company that employed Zhukovskyy and against the company that leased the truck. The families are seeking to hold both entities accountable for their role in the tragedy. The case highlights the dangers of allowing individuals with a history of reckless behavior to operate commercial vehicles. It also raises questions about the adequacy of background checks for commercial truck drivers, particularly in light of the potential consequences of accidents involving large trucks.


"The survivors of the New Hampshire motorcycle crash are advocating for a lifetime driving ban for the truck driver responsible for the accident, citing his history of drug use, reckless driving, and previous violations. This case emphasizes the importance of strict regulations and thorough background checks for commercial truck drivers to ensure public safety."

Updated at: 06.21.2024

motorcycle crash
truck driver
New Hampshire
fatal accident


Survivors of New Hampshire motorcycle crash that killed 7 urge a judge to keep trucker off the road

Relatives and friends of seven motorcyclists who died in a 2019 crash urged New Hampshire officials not to allow the trucker involved back on the state's roads