
Shipping Industry Groups Call for Action After Second Vessel Sinking by Houthis

The shipping industry is demanding action after the Houthis, a Yemeni armed group, sank a second vessel in the Red Sea. This incident follows a previous attack on a cargo ship in May, raising concerns about the growing threat to maritime operations in the region. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has condemned the attacks, highlighting the danger they pose to international shipping. The industry is calling for coordinated efforts to address the situation, urging for increased security measures and a robust response to the Houthis' actions. The attacks are seen as a significant threat to the global supply chain, potentially leading to disruptions in trade and higher costs for consumers. The focus is on finding a lasting solution to ensure the safe passage of vessels in the Red Sea and deter further attacks by the Houthis.


"The sinking of a second vessel by the Houthis in the Red Sea has triggered calls for action from the shipping industry. The attacks are seen as a significant threat to maritime operations and the global supply chain, demanding a coordinated response to ensure the safety of vessels and deter further incidents."

Updated at: 06.21.2024

shipping industry
Red Sea


Shipping industry groups call for action after Houthis sink second vessel

Organisations decry the ‘unacceptable situation’ of assaults by Yemeni group against vessels in the Red Sea.