
Sen. Murphy says Supreme Court is readying to ‘fundamentally rewrite’ Second Amendment after bump stock ruling

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said he believes the Supreme Court's recent decision to strike down a federal ban on bump stocks is a sign that the court is preparing to "fundamentally rewrite" the Second Amendment. He made this claim in an interview with CNN, reacting to the court's ruling in a case that was brought by a gun rights advocacy group. The case revolved around the ATF's ban on bump stocks, devices that allow semi-automatic firearms to fire at a faster rate. The Supreme Court's decision to strike down this ban has fueled concerns among gun control advocates about the future of other gun laws, including those pertaining to assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Sen. Murphy expressed his worry that the ruling could lead to "a fundamental rewriting of the Second Amendment", potentially weakening the authority of Congress to regulate firearms. He emphasized that the court's decision was "not just about bump stocks", but rather a "larger warning sign" about the court's intentions towards gun control laws. He stated that the ruling is a part of a broader trend of the court taking a more expansive view of the Second Amendment, which he believes could "have a huge impact on gun laws going forward".


"Sen. Murphy's remarks highlight concerns among gun control advocates that the Supreme Court's recent decision on bump stocks is a prelude to a broader attack on gun safety laws. He argues that this decision could lead to a "fundamental rewriting" of the Second Amendment, granting more power to gun rights advocates and potentially weakening congressional authority to regulate firearms. His statement raises questions about the future of gun control legislation and the potential impact of the Supreme Court's recent rulings on the Second Amendment."

Updated at: 06.18.2024

Supreme Court
Second Amendment


Sen. Murphy says Supreme Court is readying to ‘fundamentally rewrite’ Second Amendment after bump stock ruling

Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy said Sunday the Supreme Court is “readying to fundamentally rewrite the Second Amendment” after striking down a federal ban on bump stocks.