
Pope Calls for Ban on 'Lethal Autonomous Weapons' at G7

Pope Francis has urged G7 leaders to ban the development and use of autonomous weapons systems, which he described as a threat to humanity. He stated that such weapons, which are capable of making their own decisions without human intervention, violate the principle of human dignity and the right to life. Pope Francis' call for a ban on autonomous weapons comes at a time when the technology behind such weapons is rapidly advancing. He argues that these weapons pose a significant threat to international peace and security, as they can escalate conflicts and lead to unintended consequences. While the G7 summit did not result in a specific agreement on the issue of autonomous weapons, the pope's intervention has highlighted the growing concern about the ethical implications of this technology. The pope's statement reflects the ongoing debate about the role of artificial intelligence in warfare and the importance of human control over lethal weapons.


"Pope Francis' call for a ban on 'lethal autonomous weapons' at the G7 summit reflects the growing concern over the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in warfare. While the summit did not produce a specific agreement on this issue, the pope's intervention has brought attention to the importance of human control over weapons and the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing the potential risks of autonomous weapons systems."

Updated at: 06.15.2024

autonomous weapons


Pope calls for ban on ‘lethal autonomous weapons’ at G7

The pontiff spoke about the moral quandaries surrounding AI used in warfare at the G7 summit in Puglia, Italy.