
Opinion: The simple thing Supreme Court can’t agree on

In a recent case concerning the definition of a machine gun, the Supreme Court found itself divided. While the majority concluded that a firearm with a bump stock, a device that allows rapid fire, qualifies as a machine gun, the dissent countered that the definition should focus on the firearm's design rather than its functionality. This disagreement highlights a fundamental issue within the court, where judges grapple with the interpretation of laws related to gun control. The court's inability to reach consensus on a seemingly simple matter like defining a machine gun reflects the larger challenges and complexities surrounding gun control legislation in the United States. This ongoing debate underscores the intricate legal and political considerations involved in addressing gun violence, and the lack of a clear, unified approach contributes to the difficulty of enacting meaningful reforms.


"The Supreme Court's inability to reach a consensus on the definition of a machine gun highlights the broader challenges in navigating the complex legal and political landscape of gun control in the United States. This lack of clarity adds to the difficulty of enacting meaningful reforms and underscores the intricate nature of this ongoing debate."

Updated at: 06.18.2024

Supreme Court
mass shooting


Opinion: The simple thing Supreme Court can’t agree on

The Supreme Court’s majority struck down a ban on the device a shooter used to commit the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history, in a bitterly contested argument over the meaning of a term.