
Massachusetts Family Sues School District Over Third Grader's Restraint

A Massachusetts family has filed a lawsuit against a school district and its employees alleging that their third-grade son was subjected to inappropriate and excessive restraint multiple times. The lawsuit, filed in US District Court, accuses the school district of violating the boy's constitutional rights and failing to provide him with a safe and supportive learning environment. The family claims that the boy was restrained using various methods, including physical holds and seclusion, for behaviors that were not serious and could have been addressed through less restrictive measures. They allege that the restraints caused the child physical and emotional harm, and that the school district failed to adequately train its staff on appropriate restraint techniques and to properly investigate the incidents. The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages, including monetary compensation and injunctive relief to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. The school district has not yet responded to the lawsuit. This case highlights the ongoing debate regarding the use of restraint in schools and the need for clear guidelines and training for staff to ensure the safety and well-being of students.


"This case raises important questions about the appropriateness of restraint techniques used in schools and the need for adequate training and oversight to protect students. The outcome of the lawsuit could have implications for the use of restraint practices in schools across the country."

Updated at: 06.23.2024

school district
third grader


Massachusetts family sues school district, employees after a third grader was restrained multiple times

A Massachusetts mother is suing her son’s former school district and several of its employees for allegedly “brutally and impermissibly” restraining the boy, who was 8 years old at the time, on numerous occasions – including with a “gym mat” – according to a …