
Los Angeles School Board Bans Cell Phone Use During School Day

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) school board has voted to ban students from using cell phones during the school day. This decision comes after concerns about the negative impact of cell phone use on student learning and well-being. The ban will take effect in the fall of 2024. While the board has passed the ban, many questions remain about its implementation. It is unclear how the ban will be enforced and what consequences students will face for violating the policy. The board has not yet provided details on how they plan to address students' needs for access to phones for emergencies or educational purposes. Some teachers and parents are concerned that the ban could disrupt learning and create logistical problems. Others welcome the ban, believing it will promote student engagement and focus in the classroom. The ban has sparked a debate about the role of technology in education and the balance between academic learning and student access to digital tools. It remains to be seen how the LAUSD will address these concerns and successfully implement the cell phone ban in the coming school year.


"The LAUSD's cell phone ban is a significant policy change that aims to address concerns about the impact of technology on student learning. However, the implementation of the ban remains unclear, and its effectiveness will depend on the board's ability to address concerns and create a workable policy for both students and educators."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

cell phones
school district


Los Angeles school board will ban students from using cell phones during the school day. But questions loom on how to do it

Students in the nation’s second-largest school district won’t be able to scroll or text during the school day as US teachers echo frustrations over cell phones