
Lawyer for man accused of attacking Salman Rushdie says client doesn't want offered plea deal

The lawyer for the man accused of attacking Salman Rushdie said his client doesn't want the offered plea deal. The lawyer, said that his client, Hadi Matar, doesn't want a plea deal offered to him by prosecutors in the case. Matar was indicted on charges of attempted murder and assault in the August 2022 attack on Rushdie at a literary event in New York. The lawyer said that Matar maintains his innocence and that he wants his case to go to trial so he can have the opportunity to present his defense. The lawyer also said that Matar is not cooperating with the prosecution. The lawyer's statement comes after prosecutors reportedly offered Matar a plea deal that would have involved him pleading guilty to attempted murder and assault in exchange for a 10-year prison sentence. The lawyer said that the plea deal was rejected by Matar, who wants to clear his name and doesn't want to be seen as guilty. The lawyer also said that Matar's family is supporting his decision to go to trial. The lawyer's statement, if accurate, means that Matar will now stand trial for attempted murder and assault. The trial is expected to start in early 2024. Rushdie was stabbed multiple times in the attack. He suffered serious injuries, including a damaged liver, severed nerves in an arm, and a punctured eye. He spent weeks in the hospital and has since spoken about his recovery process. Matar was arrested at the scene and has been held without bail since then. Prosecutors have alleged that Matar was motivated by Rushdie's writing, particularly his novel *The Satanic Verses*, which some Muslims found offensive. Matar has denied this allegation. The trial is expected to be a high-profile event that will draw significant media attention. It will be interesting to see how Matar's defense team will proceed and what evidence they will present.


"The lawyer for Hadi Matar, the man accused of attacking Salman Rushdie, said that Matar has rejected a plea deal offered by prosecutors and will go to trial. Matar maintains his innocence and wants to clear his name. The trial is expected to start in early 2024 and will be a high-profile event."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

Salman Rushdie


Lawyer for man accused of attacking Salman Rushdie says client doesn't want offered plea deal

The lawyer for the New Jersey man accused of repeatedly stabbing author Salman Rushdie says his client isn't interested in an offered plea deal that would shorten his time in state prison but expose him to federal prison on a separate terrorism-related...