
Israel's War on Gaza Live: 1 Million 'Exhausted' People 'Trapped' in South

The article from Aljazeera reports on the ongoing conflict in Gaza, where an estimated 1 million people are trapped in the southern part of the territory. The report highlights the dire situation of the civilian population, with many struggling to find food, water, and shelter. The article details the challenges faced by residents, including lack of access to essential services and ongoing Israeli airstrikes. The report also mentions the increasing number of casualties and the growing sense of exhaustion and despair among the population. It describes the situation as a humanitarian crisis with residents struggling to survive under constant threat.


"The Aljazeera article paints a grim picture of the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza, with a focus on the plight of the civilian population trapped in the south. The report highlights the challenges and suffering experienced by the residents as they endure the ongoing conflict and its devastating consequences."

Updated at: 06.16.2024



Israel’s war on Gaza live: 1 million ‘exhausted’ people ‘trapped’ in south

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