
Iran Warns Israel of 'Ultimate Loss' in Conflict with Hezbollah

Iran has issued a stark warning to Israel, asserting that the Jewish state would emerge as the 'ultimate loser' in any potential war with Hezbollah. This statement, delivered by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, follows escalating tensions between Israel and Lebanon, fueled by Hezbollah's growing military capabilities and Israel's ongoing airstrikes against alleged Iranian-linked targets in Syria. Amirabdollahian further emphasized that Iran would not hesitate to provide any necessary support to Hezbollah, should such a conflict arise. This declaration underscores the growing threat posed by Hezbollah to Israel's security and the potential for a broader regional conflict involving Iran. The statement also highlights the increasingly complex geopolitical landscape in the Middle East, where tensions between Israel and its regional adversaries are escalating.


"Iran's warning underscores the precarious security situation in the Middle East, with the potential for a conflict between Israel and Hezbollah escalating into a broader regional conflict. While Israel has repeatedly emphasized its determination to deter Hezbollah and prevent any escalation, the growing threat posed by the Lebanese militant group, combined with Iran's unwavering support, raises serious concerns about the potential for a catastrophic confrontation."

Updated at: 06.23.2024


Israel will be the ‘ultimate loser’ in war with Hezbollah, Iran says

Israel says it will soon ‘make the necessary decisions’ about confronting the Iran-allied Lebanese group.