
Tainted Alcohol Death Toll Rises to 54 in Tamil Nadu, India

The death toll from consuming tainted alcohol in India's Tamil Nadu state has risen to 54, according to reports. The incident occurred in the Villupuram district, where people consumed the adulterated liquor at a local wedding. Authorities have arrested 13 individuals in connection with the tragedy. The Tamil Nadu government has announced compensation of 1 million rupees ($12,100) to the families of the deceased. The state has also declared a three-day mourning period. Officials suspect that the deaths were caused by methanol poisoning, which can result in blindness, organ failure, and death. The incident has highlighted the dangers of consuming illegal and adulterated alcohol, which is a significant problem in India. Authorities are investigating the source of the tainted alcohol and taking steps to prevent further incidents. Police are actively searching for the remaining suspects in the case, and the investigation is ongoing.


"The tragedy in Tamil Nadu serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of consuming illicit alcohol. The government's response, including compensation and arrests, demonstrates a commitment to addressing the issue and preventing similar tragedies in the future. However, the incident underscores the ongoing challenge of tackling the widespread problem of adulterated alcohol in India."

Updated at: 06.24.2024

Tamil Nadu
alcohol poisoning
cheap alcohol


India: Tainted alcohol death toll rises to 54 in Tamil Nadu

Vendors sell the cheap alcohol for huge profits to customers who cannot afford branded drinks.