
Hunter Biden Requests New Trial After Gun Conviction

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has requested a new trial after being convicted of two misdemeanor charges related to a gun purchase. Biden pleaded guilty to the charges in June, admitting that he had possessed a firearm while illegally using drugs. However, he has now filed a motion for a new trial, claiming that his attorneys had failed to adequately challenge the government's case and that he had been deprived of his right to a fair trial. The motion alleges that the government withheld evidence that could have been beneficial to Biden's defense, including information about the ATF's handling of the case. It also argues that the plea agreement was flawed and that Biden was not properly informed of his rights. The government has yet to respond to Biden's motion. The case has drawn significant attention due to Biden's family connections and his history of personal struggles. The outcome of the motion for a new trial remains uncertain.


"The future of Hunter Biden's case remains uncertain as he fights for a new trial, claiming his attorneys failed to adequately challenge the government's case and that he was not properly informed of his rights. The government has yet to respond to his motion, and the public awaits a decision that will determine the next steps in this high-profile case."

Updated at: 06.26.2024

Hunter Biden
gun case
new trial
felony charges


Hunter Biden requests new trial after conviction in gun case

Hunter Biden was convicted on three felony charges.