
Reimagining Libraries: From Teaching Kitchens to Woodworking Shops

In an era where traditional libraries face challenges in attracting visitors, one county in California is transforming its branches into vibrant community hubs. The San Mateo County Library system is embracing a forward-thinking approach by incorporating various amenities and programs that cater to diverse interests and needs. The libraries now feature teaching kitchens where residents can learn culinary skills, woodworking shops for hands-on craft projects, and even dedicated spaces for gaming and coding. This shift in focus aims to create a more engaging and inclusive environment, fostering a sense of community and lifelong learning. The library system recognizes that traditional book borrowing is no longer the primary driver of engagement, and the introduction of these innovative spaces has led to increased visitor numbers and a wider range of activities. By embracing the changing landscape of community needs, the San Mateo County Library system is demonstrating that libraries can be more than just repositories of books, serving as dynamic centers for learning, creativity, and social interaction. This approach is a testament to the library's evolving role in society and its ability to adapt to the needs of the modern community.


"This article highlights the San Mateo County Library system's innovative approach to transforming libraries into dynamic community hubs, offering a diverse range of programs and amenities beyond traditional book lending. This approach reflects the library's commitment to evolving with the needs of the modern community and fostering a vibrant sense of connection and learning."

Updated at: 06.22.2024

teaching kitchens

How one county is reimagining libraries, from teaching kitchens to woodworking shops

The Richland Public Library is pioneering an evolution in what libraries can offer their communities.