
High Orange Juice Prices May Be on the Table for a While Due to Disease and Extreme Weather

Orange juice prices are expected to remain elevated for some time due to a combination of factors, including a citrus greening disease called Huanglongbing (HLB), which has been devastating orange groves in Florida, and extreme weather events like hurricanes. HLB is a bacterial disease that affects citrus trees, making them produce smaller, misshapen fruit that is often inedible. The disease has been spreading rapidly in Florida, the largest citrus-producing state in the US, leading to a significant decline in orange production. Additionally, hurricanes have damaged orange groves and disrupted harvest operations, further contributing to the supply shortage. The reduced supply of oranges has led to a spike in orange juice prices, with some brands seeing increases of over 50%. While there is no quick fix for the HLB problem, researchers are working on solutions, including the development of disease-resistant citrus varieties. However, it is likely that orange juice prices will remain high for the foreseeable future, as the effects of HLB and extreme weather continue to impact the citrus industry.


"Orange juice prices are likely to remain elevated for the foreseeable future due to the combined effects of HLB and extreme weather, resulting in a continued shortage of oranges."

Updated at: 06.15.2024

orange juice prices

High orange juice prices may be on the table for a while due to disease and extreme weather

Orange juice prices have always been volatile and highly dependent on the weather