Hedge Funds' Bullish Copper Bets Run Into China's Slowdown

Hedge funds have been aggressively betting on copper prices, expecting strong demand from China, the world's biggest consumer of the metal. However, China's economic slowdown, fueled by a property crisis and weak consumer spending, is putting a damper on those expectations. The slowdown in China has weakened demand for copper, leading to a 13% decline in prices since April. The downturn is raising concerns about the future of copper, which is often seen as an indicator of global economic health. Despite the recent drop in prices, some investors remain optimistic about copper's long-term prospects, citing growing demand from the electric vehicle industry and renewable energy sector. However, the impact of China's slowdown on the global economy, and the demand for copper in particular, remains a major question mark.


"The recent decline in copper prices highlights the risk of betting on China's economy, as its slowdown could have a significant impact on global demand for the metal. While some investors remain optimistic about copper's long-term prospects, the future of the market remains uncertain."

Updated at: 06.25.2024

Hedge Funds
Bullish Bets


Hedge Funds' Bullish Copper Bets Run Into China's Slowdown