Air Force Ousts Head of Troubled Nuclear Missile Program

The Air Force has removed the head of the troubled Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile program, citing a lack of confidence in his leadership. The decision to replace Brig. Gen. Anthony Mastalir comes after a series of incidents, including a failed test launch in October and a recent incident where a crew member allegedly mishandled nuclear launch procedures. The program has also faced scrutiny over its aging infrastructure and workforce. The Air Force's top nuclear commander, Gen. Thomas Bussiere, cited a loss of confidence in Mastalir's ability to lead the program. He stressed the importance of restoring public trust and confidence in the program's reliability and safety. The Air Force has not disclosed specific details about Mastalir's alleged shortcomings, but the move highlights the growing concerns surrounding the future of the Minuteman III program. The aging missiles are expected to be replaced with a new system, but that process is facing delays and budget challenges. The Air Force is now facing the task of both managing the aging program and preparing for its eventual replacement.


"The Air Force's decision to remove the head of the troubled Minuteman III program signals a serious concern about the program's future. The aging missiles and a series of incidents have raised questions about the program's reliability and safety. The Air Force is now faced with the challenge of restoring confidence in the program while also preparing for its eventual replacement."

Updated at: 06.27.2024

Air Force
Nuclear Missile Program


Air Force Ousts Head of Troubled Nuclear Missile Program