
'Happening Again': Guantanamo Victims Say Israel Using 'US-Style' Torture

A report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) has alleged that Israel is employing tactics similar to those used at Guantanamo Bay, including prolonged sleep deprivation, stress positions, and isolation, to extract confessions from Palestinian detainees. The report, titled 'Happening Again,' examines the treatment of 12 Palestinians held in Israeli custody who were accused of involvement in security-related offenses. Former Guantanamo Bay detainees interviewed by HRW have identified similarities between their experiences and those described by the Palestinians, highlighting the enduring legacy of torture practices. The report details specific instances of alleged torture, including the prolonged use of handcuffs and leg restraints, exposure to extreme temperatures, and forced feeding. One Palestinian detainee, identified as T.A., recounted being held in a tiny cell for 23 hours a day with harsh lighting and constant monitoring, experiencing auditory torture through loud music and shouting, and being subjected to physical abuse. The report also points to the use of prolonged interrogation sessions, sometimes lasting for days, where detainees are pressured to confess without access to legal counsel or family visits. The Israeli authorities have dismissed the allegations as baseless, emphasizing their commitment to upholding international legal standards. However, HRW argues that the documented practices violate international law and constitute torture. The report underscores the need for independent investigations and accountability for any instances of torture or ill-treatment of detainees.


"The report by Human Rights Watch alleges that Israel is utilizing tactics reminiscent of those employed at Guantanamo Bay, prompting concerns about the use of torture against Palestinian detainees. While Israeli authorities have refuted the allegations, the report highlights the enduring impact of torture practices and calls for independent investigations into the treatment of detainees."

Updated at: 06.24.2024



‘Happening again’: Guantanamo victims say Israel using ‘US-style’ torture

Former prisoners who suffered in US detention facilities say Israeli abuse of Palestinians follows the same patterns.