
Federal Investigation into Southwest Airlines Low Flight over Oklahoma City

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) are investigating a Southwest Airlines flight that flew unusually low over Oklahoma City suburbs on Tuesday. The Boeing 737-800, carrying 138 passengers and five crew members, was en route from Las Vegas to Orlando when it dipped to an altitude of 2,200 feet above ground level, well below the typical altitude for commercial aircraft. The flight was initially planned to fly at a higher altitude but experienced a mechanical issue. The FAA and NTSB are both investigating the incident to determine the cause of the low altitude and if any safety protocols were violated. Passengers on board the flight reported feeling uneasy and some even expressed fear about the low altitude. Southwest Airlines is cooperating with the investigation and has confirmed that the flight landed safely in Orlando.


"Federal authorities are investigating a Southwest Airlines flight that flew unusually low over Oklahoma City suburbs due to a mechanical issue. The incident caused concern among passengers, but the aircraft landed safely. The investigation aims to determine the cause of the low altitude and whether any safety regulations were breached."

Updated at: 06.22.2024

Southwest Airlines
low flight
Oklahoma City
low-altitude alert


Federal officials are investigating a Southwest Airlines low flight over Oklahoma City suburbs

Federal officials are investigating a Southwest Airlines flight that swooped low enough to trigger a low-altitude alert while it was still nine miles away from the airport in Oklahoma City