
‘Elimination’ of Taiwan is China’s great national cause, Lai says

Taiwan's President-elect, William Lai, has stated that China's stated goal of "reunification" with Taiwan is in fact "elimination", which he considers a threat to the island's democracy and freedom. He made these remarks in an interview with the BBC, where he also emphasized his unwavering commitment to upholding Taiwan's sovereignty and democracy. Lai, who is set to take office in May 2024, further outlined his stance on the issue, arguing that the concept of "one country, two systems" proposed by Beijing would be unacceptable to Taiwan. He emphasized that the Taiwanese people would never accept any form of subordination to China and that the island's self-governance is paramount. Lai's statement comes amidst growing tensions between China and Taiwan, with Beijing increasingly asserting its claims over the island. China has repeatedly warned against any attempts at formal independence for Taiwan, viewing it as an integral part of its territory. The interview with the BBC highlighted Lai's firm commitment to safeguarding Taiwan's autonomy and its democratic way of life. He also called on the international community to support Taiwan's freedom and sovereignty, underscoring the potential implications of China's actions for regional stability and international order.


"Taiwan's President-elect, William Lai, has made it clear that he considers China's intentions towards Taiwan to be a threat to the island's democracy and freedom. He has rejected China's proposed "one country, two systems" model and emphasized Taiwan's commitment to self-governance and its democratic way of life. Lai's strong stance highlights the growing tensions between China and Taiwan, as well as the potential implications for regional stability and international order."

Updated at: 06.18.2024



‘Elimination’ of Taiwan is China’s great national cause, Lai says

Taiwan’s president tells military academy cadets that the main challenge they face is the strong rise of Beijing.