
Divers find remains of Finnish WWII plane shot down by Soviets

Divers in Finland have discovered the wreckage of a Finnish fighter plane that was shot down by Soviet forces during World War II. The plane, a Brewster Buffalo, was discovered in the waters of Lake Saimaa, the country's largest lake. The plane, with the markings of the Finnish Air Force, was discovered by a team of divers from the Finnish Aviation Museum. The museum says the plane was part of an aerial patrol on 27 June 1944, when it was shot down by Soviet fighters. The discovery comes after years of research by the museum, using archival documents and eyewitness accounts. The museum says that the wreck site includes various components of the plane, including its engine and wings. The museum plans to remove the wreckage from the lake bed and display it at its museum. The museum hopes that the discovery will help shed light on the air war over Finland during World War II, where the Finnish Air Force was outnumbered by the Soviet air force. The museum also hopes to identify the pilot of the Brewster Buffalo, which was carrying the markings of the Finnish Air Force's Fighter Squadron 24.


"The discovery of the Finnish Brewster Buffalo fighter plane shot down by the Soviets in World War II is significant for the Finnish Aviation Museum, offering a chance to learn more about the air war over Finland during the conflict. The museum plans to remove the wreckage from Lake Saimaa and exhibit it in its museum, potentially helping to identify the pilot and learn more about the incident."

Updated at: 06.17.2024

Finnish WWII plane
Junkers Ju 52


Divers find remains of Finnish WWII plane shot down by Soviets

Salvage team in Estonia says it located well-preserved parts and debris from the Junkers Ju 52 plane shot down in 1940.