
Congress Passes Bill to Boost Nuclear Power

The U.S. Congress has approved a bill aimed at jumpstarting the development and deployment of advanced nuclear power technology. The legislation, known as the "Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act," provides financial assistance and regulatory support to encourage the construction of new nuclear power plants featuring innovative designs. This bill marks a significant shift in the government's approach to nuclear energy, which has been largely stagnant for decades. The legislation was passed with bipartisan support, reflecting the growing recognition of the potential role of nuclear power in addressing climate change and ensuring energy security. The bill seeks to promote the use of "small modular reactors" (SMRs), which are smaller and more adaptable than traditional nuclear plants. Proponents argue that SMRs offer a more cost-effective and quicker path to deployment. The legislation also addresses concerns over nuclear waste disposal, providing funding for the development of advanced recycling technologies.


"The passage of this bill signifies a renewed focus on nuclear energy as a potential solution to climate change and energy security challenges. The legislation aims to accelerate the development and deployment of advanced nuclear technologies, paving the way for a new era of nuclear power in the United States."

Updated at: 06.23.2024

nuclear power


Congress passes bill to jumpstart new nuclear power tech

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